Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I was tagged by my friend Alicia, so here's my A-Z!

A- available?
Nope, married!

B- Best Friend?
Lots and Lots!

C- Cake or pie?
Cake at parties, pie at Thanksgiving

D - Drink of choice?
Water, DC, icy cold beerr!

E - Essential thing used everyday?
These days, my pedometer!

F- Favorite color?

G- Gummi bears or worms?

H- Hometown?
Kirkland, WA

I - indulgence?
Ugh, where do I start?
Probably Carbs and Shopping!

J- January or February?
February, one month closer to Summer!

K- kids and names?
in the future - names are a secret :)

L- Life?
Is precious and pretty darn good right now!

M- Marriage date?
September 1st

N- Number of siblings?
One, precious Veronica who I love dearly!

O- Oranges or Apples?
Granny Smith Apples!!

P- Phobias?
No real "phobia" but I HATE spiders!

Q - Quote?
"The grass is always greener, until you go to mow it!"

R- Reason to smile?
My husband, family, friends and pups

S- Season?
Fall! Can't beat 'em in New England, my heart actually skips a beat thinking that it's here in just 3 months!

T- Tag three (4) people - Mariana Shelby Lindsay and Lyndsy

U - Unknown fact about me?
I used to be shy! Ha, imagine that!

V- Vegetables you do not like?
Beets, Im sure there are more...

W- Worst habits?

X- X-rays you have had?
Left foot ( Thanks D$$), teeth

Y- your favorite food?
Oh my, where do I begin??????
Really, Im not picky!

Z - Zodiac Sign?

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