Bananas!! That is the fruit comparison of our little guys this week. Head to foot they each measure right around 10 inches. We had a appointment this morning and both boys look great! They were waving, kicking, doing somersaults and in general, just being cute. :) Both heartrates are in the low-140's which is perfectly normal. The tech showed us Baby B's "middle leg," as she scanned his body, funny to see! He's definitely a boy! :)
Everything is looking great with me, I was cleared to fly to Seattle in August for my baby shower, yay!! We will be having another ultrasound the day before I leave just to be sure nothing has changed and that I'm all set to go! I'm loving all this monitoring, it's so reassuring to be able to see them so often. Both boys are now head down with Baby A hanging out on my right side and Baby B on my left. They've seemed to move from their "bunkbed" position to being side-by-side.
Over the past week and a half, they've been really active!! While I have felt them since about week 17 or so, the first day I felt consistent movement by both babies was July 21st, the day I flew to Seattle. Either they really liked all the orange juice or the flying! :) Since then, they've moving a ton, but thankfully only during the day! Let's hope that doesn't change!! The other day, I felt one of them kick from the outside and last night, Kev got to finally feell his first kick. He had a big smile on his face, it was pretty neat for him!
Sleeping has become MUCH more difficult. I'm a total back/stomach sleeper so this "side sleeping" is for the birds! My mom got me a kick ass memory foam preggo pillow, but even with that, my back has been really sore. I know it's only going to get worse so I'm going to start getting chiropractic work again to help my body stay aligned. I hope it helps!!! Swimming has been really good for me since it's so low-impact. I've taken advantage of the 71 degree water down at our beach house and swam a ton! When not in the ocean, I head to a friend's pool for about 30 minutes of treading water or kicking with a ball. I know it's not a ton of cardio, but it does seem to help stretch and keep my muscles a little less tight.
A few weeks ago, at 18.5 weeks, we hit the halfway point! A twin pregnancy is considered full-term at 37 weeks, so we're well on our way into the "second half" of pregnancy! I can only hope/pray that the remainder goes just as well as the the first half has! If I was to deliver right at 37 weeks, these two would be born on Thanksgiving! That would be pretty neat, wouldn't it??
Here's my 20 week pic, I found this non-maternity dress a few weeks back at TJ Maxx for $24 and LOVE IT! I only wish they had it in more colors!!
The most wonderful time of the year. For reals.
8 years ago