Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter Storm 2010!!

Well, I've been lazy.... I haven't picked up my camera in over a month and it's just so sad, isn't it?! The Holidays come and I feel like you're in a time warp. They always creep up on us and then in an instant, they're over! This year was no different... We've had a great Holiday season and to top it off, a HUGE snowstorm/ blizzard last night! Mother Nature dropped 16 inches on us and up to 2 feet on other parts of MA! Craziness I tell you! Here are a few pictures I took this morning. I hope to be better about posting. I wonder if there are any followers still out there ;)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Palm Springs!


The weekend of 11/11 was one for the memory books! Four days of relaxing by the pool with five of your best friends, laughing, drinking and reminiscing is just what the doctor ordered!!  When everyone gets caught up in their busy lives, you forget how important it is to get away and relax.  How better to do that than with girls weekend with the girls to sunny Palm Springs?

Living in Boston will never stop me from spending time with some of my favorite people on earth. Girls I've known since junior high, high school and college. Girls who will always be by my side, no matter what. I wish we were back there, sipping our 10am Bloody Mary's and laughing about some random college memory and the good ol' days! I miss you all already.... Until Spring 2012, ladies..... XOXO

Picture by Shelby and her self timer :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Yesterday, we walked with our nieces and nephews in the Halloween parade that wanders around the neighborhood then makes its way to the park. There were a ton of kids playing on the swings, doing sack races, eating cupcakes and having a ton of fun! It was fun to see all of them dressed up! Enjoy the pictures!!
Eliza the little bee
Ryan the fireman
Brady, the Magic Treehouse (Children's Book Series) - he won a best costume award at another party :)
Holly, American Girl Doll, Eliza, Brady and Ryan
Holly and Eliza
Eliza, Jason, Julie and Luke, the peapod :)

Friday, October 15, 2010


Wow, I'm in LOVE!!! Nantucket is seriously THE cutest place I've been to since living in MA. The downtown area is lined with cobblestone roads, local shops and watering holes and best of all, not a Dunkin's or Starbuck's in sight. I loved the unfamiliarity that the island offered. The anonymity it provided, we felt like "real" tourists!

We jetted over there Saturday morning to celebrate Kev's friend Jim's wedding  on Sunday, 10-10-10.  We took the ferry over with good friends Tara, Keith and Phil, walked around town and had lunch before heading to the welcome BBQ hosted by the bride, Kim's family friends. The weather was absolutely perfect; sunny and not a cloud in the sky!

Their house was quintessential "Nantucket," very warm, inviting, rustic and beachy all at the same time.  The outdoor fireplace was a huge hit once the sun went down. Later on, we hit up two or three local bars before calling it a night. (Note: I reccommend flats when navigating the streets of Nantucket at night, those cobblestones are brutal in heels!)

Sunday was another gorgeous day and we continued to walk around the cute little town before heading to the church. After the ceremony, we headed to Cisco Brewery, the site of the reception. Now, Cisco isn't just home to beer, but also to Nantucket Vineyards and Triple 8 Vodka. You could say everyone had a reallllllly good time! :)

I'm already planning my trip back to Nantucket, now I just have to convice Kev! Thanks to Jim and Kim for an amazing wedding, we were happy to be a part of it!

Nantucket, October 2010 020
Nantucket, October 2010 018
Nantucket, October 2010 030
Nantucket, October 2010 063
Nantucket, October 2010 064
Nantucket, October 2010 066
Nantucket, October 2010 074
Nantucket, October 2010 065

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lisa's take the East Coast!

This weekend, Kev and I had the Lisa's visit us from LA and Seattle. We had a great weekend with lots of laughs, food and PLENTY of beer!! :) I love these girls to pieces and am so thankful they made the trip out to visit us.  We traveled to Mystic, CT for the day on Friday to check out the town and of course, try Mysic Pizza. Then Saturday headed to Portsmouth, NH to the  New Hampshire Brew Fest where they had 30+ brewers and 90+ beers! What a beautiful, sunny day it was!  Miss you girls, thanks for the fun, fun weekend!

PS, Our weekends have been jammed packed the past month with visits from my mom, dad and the Rinabarger's.  Sadly, my camera didn't make it out until this weekend!

Spry and Margie in Mysic, CT
We loooved Mystic!
Oktoberfest in Portsmouth, NH

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3 years....


Three years ago today, I married the best guy in the whole entire world. I still look at his adorable face and piercingly gorgeous blue eyes and ask myself, "How did I get so lucky? Why on earth did he choose me?"

On the back page of our wedding program, we thanked our friends and family for all the support and love they have given us throughout the years; for helping shape us into the people we had become. We included a "special thanks" to my grandmother, who introduced us at age four and brought us back together twenty years later.

Whether it was fate, timing, or a little of both - I am forever grateful to have found someone so caring, genuine and funny. Someone who will always take care of me and who will always have my back.

Happy Anniversary to you, Kev. Here's to many, many, many more. I love you!

Photo taken by Erin Rinabarger, July 15, 2010 in Seattle

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time Flies!

Yikes, has it really been a month since we've been home from Seattle??? We've been keeping busy with numerous house projects and lots of fun-filled family weekends at the beach. Since June, Kev has been slaving away remodeling our basement and it looks amazing! He's single handedly tiled, re-drywalled, trimmed and painted our entire basement. He's finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm looking forward to decorating! :) It's going to be nice to have a basement that doesn't flood and smell like an old gym sock. The new and improved basement is a thousand times better and I can't wait to unveil it! (Pictures to come!) Meanwhile, here are a few pictures from a family wedding we went to last weekend. We're headed to the beach this weekend, celebrating our 3rd anniversary next week then enjoying a much needed visit from my mom over Labor Day. Hope everyone is doing well as the summer slowly winds down!
Summer 2010 017
Julie and me
Summer 2010 049
Randy, Patty, Julie & Kev
Summer 2010 091
Lindsay, me and Jules

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Seattle Recap: Part 3 {BBQ's, Babies, The Bite, Baseball + Beer}

Here are pictures from other fun events while we were home including a BBQ at Kelly's,Fitz's, and also Coffey's, a Redhook Brewery Tour and The Bite of Seattle with Kate and Kev and the Sox vs. M's game we went to. Thank you friends for hosting us all week and to MarJe for hooking up those awesome seats!!

Summer 2010 136
They're just mad because they dressed like twins...
Summer 2010 160
At the Bite of Seattle
Summer 2010 427
At Fitz's for a kick ass BBQ
Summer 2010 180
Marje, getting cozy
Summer 2010 414
Ann and Evan
Seattle - Summer 2010 135
Red Hook Brewery Tour
Summer 2010 423
Summer 2010 442
Kel and Isabel
Seattle - Summer 2010 143
Go Sox!
Summer 2010 447
Katie and baby Tyson
Summer 2010 450
Lynnie and me
Summer 2010 382
Cutie Jackson
Summer 2010 368
LOL, the crazy Blyth's!
Summer 2010 373
Summer 2010 354

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Seattle Recap: Part 2 {Bridal Veil Falls}

Okay, so these posts are more in the order I'm editing the pictures and not so much in the order I took them. We did an awesome hike the day after we got to Seattle, when jetlag hadn't quite set in and getting up at 6am was still easy. We packed up that morning and headed to meet my aunt before trekking out to Mt. Index for our hike to Bridal Veil Falls and Lake Serene.

We first hiked an hour in to a cutoff where you could either go up to the waterfall or directly to Lake Serene. We chose to do the waterfall first and it was SO beautiful, there's a reason they call it Bridal Veil Falls. It was over a hundred foot drop (I think) and we stared up at it from the bottom. The spray was just enough to cool us down. We hiked back down to that same cutoff and made our way up to Lake Serene. It was 2+ miles and about 1800 feet in elevation from that point and wow, were we feeling it! I may actually looked around for either a nearby helicopter or zipline to take us down, I was that tired! It took us a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes to get to the lake where we had lunch, threw the balls for the dogs and just relaxed.

We started to make our way down shortly after lunch and Carol and I switched boots. Mine felt too loose and hers felt too tight. It worked out perfectly until my lace broke and there was no salvaging it. Thankfully, my well prepared Aunt had thrown in a roll of duct tape as her "11th essential" and thank god she did. I don't know what I would've done! Although it was tight, it did the trick!

6 hours after we had set out, we finished our hike And, despite the extremely sore calves and feet that ached for days we'd do it again in a heartbeat! It was great to get outdoors and explore the beautiful PNW and also spend time wiht my aunt who I don't see too often. Next time, I'm going to come more prepared and have some icy hot awaiting my arrival for the car ride home!
Seattle - Summer 2010 005
Tucker and me, ready to hike!
Seattle - Summer 2010 009
Tuck, not lovin' his pack...
Seattle - Summer 2010 016
At Bridal Veil Falls
Seattle - Summer 2010 038
Seattle - Summer 2010 029
Carol and me
Seattle - Summer 2010 010
Trekkin' along!
Seattle - Summer 2010 053
Mt. Index
Seattle - Summer 2010 061
At Lake Serene
Seattle - Summer 2010 057
Seattle - Summer 2010 066
My friend, duct tape!!