Yikes, has it really been a month since we've been home from Seattle??? We've been keeping busy with numerous house projects and lots of fun-filled family weekends at the beach. Since June, Kev has been slaving away remodeling our basement and it looks amazing! He's single handedly tiled, re-drywalled, trimmed and painted our entire basement. He's finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm looking forward to decorating! :) It's going to be nice to have a basement that doesn't flood and smell like an old gym sock. The new and improved basement is a thousand times better and I can't wait to unveil it! (Pictures to come!) Meanwhile, here are a few pictures from a family wedding we went to last weekend. We're headed to the beach this weekend, celebrating our 3rd anniversary next week then enjoying a much needed visit from my mom over Labor Day. Hope everyone is doing well as the summer slowly winds down!
Julie and me
Randy, Patty, Julie & Kev
Lindsay, me and Jules
The most wonderful time of the year. For reals.
8 years ago